Topical Magnesium Chloride The Best Way To Get Your Daily Dose!

I created this Miracle in a Jar because of my neighbor having such bad Migraines. I wanted to make something natural that would make her migraines go away. It took quite a while to get it right and smooth and creamy, but it is finally here. I LOVE this Magnesium Lotion as does my neighbor. Now my customers are also In Love with My Magnesium Lotion. It helps with so many different diagnoses it would be really hard to name them all but here is a few. Fibro, Restless Leg Syndrome, Body Aches and Pains, Viral Warts, Varicose Veins, Allergies, Asthma, it also helps to heal sores, bug bites, and scratches. To top all that off it makes your skin soft and silky.